Of Demi Lovato’s Triumphant Comeback

Written by on January 28, 2020

After being on a hiatus since her infamous 2018 overdose,Demi Lovato made her triumphant comeback by a premiering a new powerful ballad and with a groundbreaking performance to boot at Sunday’s 62nd Grammy Awards.

The new song Anyone is Demi’s testament to what she has had to grappled since her near-fatal overdose and the consequent rehab stint and public scrutiny. A definite cry for help, the song’s lyrics speaks volumes of what she may have gone through.

I tried to talk to my piano,  I tried to talk to my guitar. Talked to my imagination, confided into alcohol. I tried and tried and tried some more, Told secrets ’til my voice was sore.  Tired of empty conversation ’cause no one hears me anymore…Anyone, please send me anyone. Lord, is there anyone? I need someone.  Anyone, please send me anyone. Lord, is there anyone? I need someone.”


Demi choked up at the beginning of the performance and had to start it over,to relentless applause from the crowd.

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