Kim Kardashian’s Criminal Justice Efforts Are Buoyed By Her Experience ‘Raising Four Black Kids’

Written by on February 28, 2020

Kim Kardashian has for months on end been vocal about her grave interest in criminal justice and prison reform. Ever since she initiated her efforts by aiding the release of former convicted nonviolent offender Alice Johnson,she has perpetuated her mission by being instrumental in the release of other wrongly convicted criminals.


In her latest CR interview,Kim Kardashian intimates the motivation behind her efforts and it has a lot do with her kids.

‘I’m raising four black kids in this society and our system is so discriminatory against black and brown people. I want to do as much as I can to make their lives easier…I never knew much about the system until I started to dig in, and once I learned and saw how many things were wrong, I really couldn’t stop.’

Kim Kardashian has also been hell-bent in her law apprenticeship in a Los Angeles that will see her take the bar eventually.

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