Ombachi opens up on the effect of ethnic profiling he went through.

Written by on January 18, 2024

Former rugby sevens player and chef Dennis Ombachi has delved into the ethnic profiling conversation.

The chef recently nicknamed the face of “ugali mayai” on an X post shared a personal experience on how ethnic profiling ruined his family’s life.

“Ethnic profiling is not new to my life, even before 2007 we had the 90’s I remember I was around 7 years old when my dad received a letter asking him to resign or else they were coming for his head and our family just because we were from a different community.” stated the first of his post.

He added that they lived a decent life until his father resigned and his mother had to cover all the expenses.

“We had a decent life before then but he had to resign and every responsibility was left to my mother and the ‘mitumba’ selling business kept us going until 2007 when that also stopped. 

I really pity our generation that is still divided by tribalism here even here on the TL, most haven’t experienced how quickly the situation can turn ugly, but my experiences have taught me the importance of us all living as brothers and sisters because had it not been for a few good people who kept us safe in the 90’s and good Samaritans who in 2007 kept updating my mum on the unfolding situation, where to go for safety and routes to use, we could be talking another story. 

I avoid speaking about such issues hoping we have all learnt from history.” 

“We must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools” The last of his tweet read.

Ombachi is loved by Kenyans and has used his great culinary skills to unit people. 

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