Written by on February 1, 2021

Hotpoint always comes through in style. This time they celebrated the winners of the just concluded Maisha Motomoto campaign at Sarit Expo Hall on Friday 29th January 2021.

The two grand prize winners were awarded a New VW Polo made in Kenya and a home makeover, other winners were also awarded good and quality items from Hotpoint which included; Cooler box, dinner set, chopping board and other various items.

Ann Nganga, who was one of the winners said,” I am a von girl, when l was shopping it was for someone else, they send me to shop for them at my trusted electric shop. The first time l ever shopped at Hotpoint was in 2018 and since then l have never bought from any other electric shop.”

1st phase of awards;

Catherine Mbarire- 1st monthly prize winner.

Ann Nganga- 2nd monthly prize winner.

John Mwangi- 3rd monthly prize winner.

On to the second monthly prize winners;

Oscar Chesire- 1st monthly prize winner.

Maureen Agutu- 2nd monthly prize winner.

Joyce Wanjala- 3rd monthly prize winner.

2nd phase of awards.

Kui Wambui was the winner of a home makeover. This is what she had to say, “I was at the dentist when l got the call, at first l missed it because my phone was far away. Then when l called back a lady on the other end told me that l had won a home makeover, l couldn’t believe it. Immediately l told my dentist to hold on because l am going to see for myself what l had won.”

3rd phase of award.

Celestine Nthenya received the call she was driving, she thought it was a prank. After they were done talking she asked her mother to call someone from Hotpoint to confirm if its truth. She believed it was true when she got an invite to get awarded her New VW Polo. Her whole family came to witness the gifting of her new ride.

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