Bad girl Millie recalls snatching a gun from the police.

Written by on July 15, 2024

Mbita MP Millie Odhiambo’s statement a few weeks ago that she is a rebel continues to make her a celebrated figure among Kenyan women. 

Her colleagues in the National Assembly call her a drama queen. 

The lawmaker discussed Gen Z’s resilience during protests in an interview with Betty Kyallo on Friday, July 12. 

During the interview, she recalled her own university days when she participated in protests outside parliament to show solidarity after two students were shot. 

She admitted to grabbing a gun from a police officer in the early 90s.

She hit the newspaper headlines.

“hey what’s the matter with you. I went and grabbed the gun. I had never held a gun in my life. And then Wafule Buke is the one who came and grabbed that gun from me and returned it back to the policeman. I have no clue what I was gonna do with the gun”

Laughing about it, Millie told TV 47 that ODM leader Raila Odinga scolded her for her actions, warning her of the danger

“Hon Raila didn’t know me then, he told me young girl never do such a thing. For me that time my only concern was that we are here demonstrating, against the killings of students, and then when we went outside Parliament, then the policeman was again threatening to shoot. “

“So I feel Gen Z’s when in the face of impunity, in the face of poor governance, there is something within you that just rebels”

She has been home sick, fearing for the safety of young people protesting over the past few weeks

When Occupy Parliament happened June 25, Millie tried to warn her colleagues to vacate the building, but they dismissed her

“I get in and I warn my colleagues and they tell me ah you with your drama, get out of here. I told them no they are here. they were like no, drama queen, and lo and behold” 

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