Daddy Yankee retires from reggaeton and devotes his life to Christianity

Written by on December 6, 2023

Ramón Ayala A.K.A Daddy Yankee is a renowned reggaeton artist from Latin America. 

On his last world tour performance which happened on the 3rd of December, he made a significant announcement that he would be quitting music and giving his life to Christ.

At his farewell tour La Meta (The Goal) which was held in his homeland in Puerto Rico, the 46-year-old broke the news to his fans about his sudden departure.

Speaking in his native language Spanish, the “Gasolina” singer told his fans that he had travelled all over the world and won several awards but he still felt empty.

“For a long time, I attempted to fill a void in my heart that no one else could fill. On occasions, I looked happy but I lacked something to complete me.”

He continued his farewell speech and even quoted a verse from the bible while declaring his departure.

“I went around the world all those years, won lots of awards, heard the applause but I realised that the bible says ‘What good is it for man to profit the whole world but lose his soul.”

With balancing tears, he finished by saying 

“That is why tonight, I recognize, and I am not ashamed to tell the whole world that Jesus lives in me and that I will live for him,”

The musician proved to fans that indeed he stood his ground on becoming a stunt believer of Christ via an Instagram post of a bible verse and declared that he has started a new chapter of his life.

The Instagram post read,

This day for me, is the most important day in my life.. tonight I recognize and am not ashamed to tell the whole world that Christ lives in me and that I will live for him. This is the end of one chapter and the beginning of a brand-new one.

“For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world, if he loses his life? Or how much can a man pay for his life?

For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father and with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to what he has done. ”

St. Matthew 16: 26 – 27 Amen 

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