Elsa Majimbo reveals guys to avoid in the dating world.

Written by on June 27, 2024

Dating broke guys is one thing women don’t tolerate and if by chance she does tolerate her friend’s group,  will most likely hate the guy with passion.

Elsa Majimbo has revealed that she doesn’t date broke guys at all. The content creator added that even in her broke phase she always dated a wealthy boyfriend.

“I don’t know if it’s my type or just coincidental but even when I was flat-out broke, my boyfriend was loaded.”

Elsa went on and highlighted the types of rich guys that were in the dating world.

“The playboy; the usually have a new pretty girl every other two weeks. I never date them, they are usually my friends and they are nice to the women when they are dating them and they never call after a week or two but they usually have this one girl who they are actually in love with.”

She went on to say that another type of rich man is the hopeless romantic “This guy will propose to you in two weeks. He knows he has the financial security, he knows what he wants, he is ready.’

She added that there were quite a few of those guys.

“Number three; the control freak. This one is like ‘what are you wearing, where are you going, who are you with? Let me come.”

She said she stays away from this kind of guys ‘The only thing worse than a crazy man is a crazy man with money because not only does he have the resources but he has the time. So, I stay very far away from that.”

Young ladies if you are looking to date a rich guy keep a look out for those characters and ensure you don’t fall for the playboy.

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