Written by on August 31, 2021

Before I tell you the story of the first time I tried any alcoholic drink, let’s declare this a judging free zone. The year was 2018 in college and I had decided that would be the day I would do it. Immediately after one of our lectures’ left for the day on a Friday afternoon, my classmates and I found ourselves going to this famous club ( let’s call it Club V). Of course we were of age (Don’t worry mum if you’ll read this).

Moses, who was very familiar with alcohol said we are all taking shots and then he ordered beers for the 1st time drinkers. Teetotaler was the name given to us ‘Virgin’ drinkers- don’t get me started on that ridiculous name lol. If you’ve never tasted alcohol you will want to take it easy  in the ‘shot’ game and like myself start off with beer. Since I didn’t know which beer to go with I asked Moses to choose for me. The beer he chose looked so  big for me to finish honestly.

It had a huge sticker written ‘TUSKER’ on it. The bottle was dripping with cold ice water. I couldn’t help myself from salivating over this drink presented before. I was very excited but my mind kept telling me ‘calm down you’re making this weird’  (don’t laugh at me, if you were in my situation you would understand)

I couldn’t wait to have a taste of this good looking ‘drink.’ As soon as the waiter served me I immediately drank it and the crispiness in it was just mouthwatering!! Ooh, the memories of how smooth and sweet that first sip tasted still makes me smile. I totally fell in love with tusker. Since then, I have explored all the different types of Tusker and I love all of them. They have all still maintained the same memorable tastes on all their brands. Tusker is forever my  go to beer. I would never switch it for anything.

Thanks to Moses I got to find out about Tusker, and actually enjoy drinking it. There is this myth that beer is for men; I disagree, women too can take tusker beer and get to enjoy it like I did. 

Big tip is to always take it cold.

How do you like to take your Tusker?

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