How harmful is vaping to your body?

Written by on August 26, 2021

E-cigarettes (vape) are battery- operated devices that were initially shaped like cigarettes, but now include vape mods, juuls and vape pens.

Whether vaping or smoking cigarettes, smoking can cause lung cancer, breast cancer, emphysema, heart disease and other serious diseases. Millennials have found a new hobby which is vaping, many don’t know why they consume (Maybe because of influence) this substance or even what it contains. After doing a thorough research I found out that;

The 1st study found that vaping can worsen several heart disease risk factors at levels equal to tobacco cigarettes. In September 2019, federal and state health authorities began investigating an outbreak of a severe lung disease associated with e-cigarettes and other vaping products. It also became clear that vaping could cause seizure and serious lung damage after a year, possibly less, based on CBC reports of patients hospitalized for lung damage caused by vaping.

A 2017 review of the cardiovascular effects of vaping indicated that e-cigarettes may pose certain risks to the heart and circulatory system, notably for people who already have some form of heart disease.

A study in 2018 presented in American Chemical Society found that vaping could damage DNA. The study also showed that the saliva had an increase in potentially dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde and acrolein.

Facts about vaping.

·         Vapes have heat nicotine (Extracted from tobacco), flavoring and other chemicals to create an aerosol that you inhale.

·         Research suggests vaping is bad for your heart and lungs.

Facts about cigarettes.

  • Nicotine which is absorbed in the brain within the first six seconds after inhalation. Prolonged use of nicotine affects the heart, arteries, and lungs.
  • Carbon monoxide which reduces the amount of oxygen carried by the red blood cells.
  • Tar that eventually forms a sticky mass in the lungs
  • Arsenic which is associated with skin and lung cancer
  • Hydrogen cyanide is associated with seizures, irregular heartbeats, and headaches.
  • Formaldehyde associated with lung cancer

·         Regular tobacco cigarettes contain 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic.

Odor- A cigarette produces a pungent and irritating smell to most people especially to those who don’t smoke. It’s not only irritating but also leaves the smell on your fingers, clothes and hair.

Staining- Smoking cigarettes can stain your teeth, after using it for a long period of time, you’ll see black or brown stains on your teeth.

According to Alo Houses recovery center it is not easy to stop vaping but with the right intentions you might stop vaping. Here are some of the key factors to follow if you want to stop vaping;

Make a decision to stop– You have to willingly make that decision by yourself, make sure you’re firm on it and if you happen to schedule a date on when you’re going to stop, don’t change it to next week or next month. Remember old habits die hard but if you’re strict with yourself you will definitely make it.

Find a substitute-The urge to want to vape may come back maybe even stronger, find something to keep your mouth busy like a bubblegum, toothpick,  straws to chew on, popcorn or even lollipops.

Ask for help- Don’t hate yourself for not figuring this withdrawal out, instead ask for help if it gets overwhelming for you, a counselor will do in this case.

One vape is too much   Don’t use more than one vape, remember you are trying to get rid of the urge of using this substance often or even at all.

Get rid of all vaping gears– All the used vapes stored in your house as a souvenir, you don’t really need them, put them aside.

Remember you made the wise choice to stop vaping, so take a moment to congratulate yourself every time you think about it.

Nothing comes easy and baby steps will keep you moving. If you have made the decision to stop vaping your journey begins now!!!

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