Written by on May 24, 2021

A good way to kick start your weekend is enjoying your Tusker Lite over ice. However, buying a pack or two from your local liquor store doesn’t guarantee your drinks will be chilled. My friends and I often like to invest some time in making sure that our beverage is properly cooled. These are some of the ways we use to ensure that our glass is glistening with a frosty coating of ice;

Using Salt, Ice, and Water.

Fill a cooler, bucket, or sink with ice. How much ice you use will depend on the size of your cooler, bucket, or sink. Try to make sure you have enough ice to bury the bottles or cans of Tusker Lite underneath it.

This will take 20-30 minutes.

Add water to the ice.

Make sure that you add enough water that the mixture is soupy. As a liquid, water can cover a can or bottle at more points than ice can, which will allow it to cool faster. If you want to chill your beer faster, adding water to the mix will knock down the cooling time to about 10 minutes.

*However, water will also warm at a faster speed, so make sure you add more ice as it melts.

Add rock or granulated salt to your ice and water mixture.

And to chill your beer even faster yet, adding about 1 cup of salt (rock or granulated) for every 3 pounds of ice will reduce the freezing temperature of the water and cool your beer in 2-3 minutes.

Make sure you mix the salt into the water then constantly jiggle the beer bottles/cans and rinse them before opening!

Put the beer in the freezer.

Make sure to place the Tusker Lite beers slightly apart as they’re likely to stick together if they’re touching. Once in the freezer, each beer should take 8-15 minutes to chill. Also, remember to watch the time, because leaving the beers in the freezer for too long may cause them to explode.

To avoid any possible injury, try putting each beer in a Ziploc bag in case they crack or break open. This will make removal both safer and easier.


  • Cans of beer will chill faster than bottles.
  • Another enjoyable way to drink beer is to pour it into a chilled glass.
  • If you purchase beer from a supermarket or distributor, try to buy already cold beer, so the time to chill it is reduced.

Drink responsibly. Don’t drive after consuming alcohol.

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