Written by Ann Munyasya on July 7, 2021

Eyelashes extensions are semi-permanent lashes that are hand-glued on top of your natural lashes, says Andra Marin an eyelash expert.
Ladies, we all want to look fine but at what cost? I came across this video on Tik Tok which explained how much bacteria accumulates underneath the extended eyelashes and which leads to eye irritation.
Having extended lashes makes you look extra boujie and cool. But there’s a reason why you have your normal lashes. Let’s talk about how they truly affect your eyes and how the bacteria builds up.
A singer Vanessa wanted her eyes to pop at the cover pictures of her album, “After the photoshoot, my eyelids ached and taking off the lashes was hard, I had to soak my eyes in water for them to come off” says Vanessa.
There’s a risk of developing traction alopecia (is hair loss that’s caused by repeatedly pulling on your hair) says Zaina AL-Mohtaseb, MD assistant professor of ophthalmology.
They interfere with eyesight. The extended lashes cover your eyes in a way that you feel like there’s a roof on top of you which make your eyes end up looking droopy since your natural eyelashes tend to bend downwards.

The risk of eyelashes extension is not only an allergic reaction to the glue but also affect the inner circle of the eyelid and can cause permanent damage to natural eyelashes. Bit by bit your natural lashes become weak and begin to fall off and you’re left with no lashes to attach the extended ones too.
I have had extended lashes and they really bothered me, and honestly I prefer having my natural lashes.
These lashes are bomb! But do we have to risk irritating our eyes over them?