Written by on July 23, 2021

Hilda Achieng , the mother of the late eight year old girl, Michelle, is seeking justice after her child was killed by her teacher.
On Thursday 22nd of July, Kenyans were shocked after the human rights activist, Boniface Mwangi, shared the story on social media.

According to his post, the eight year old girl was hit by her teacher for answering a question wrongly which led to her death.
To add salt to injury the school bribed her classmates with thirty shillings each so as to keep quiet then later proceeded to dump her body at Mama Lucy Hospital.
Hilda Achieng discovered the body in the morgue and when she went to protest at her child’s school , she was arrested and held at a police station in Kayole.
The investigating officer, Victor, who was assigned the case told her she is young and that she should get more babies. Two months have already passed and Mama Lucy Hospital has refused to share the autopsy
The revelation of Boniface angered Kenyans who called up the Directorate of Criminal Services to handle the case and get to the root of it.

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