Kenyan Goliath shocks netizens with his appetite.

Written by on August 27, 2024


Isaac Otesa, a tall man from Bungoma County who has become popular online, recently discussed the amount of food and drinks he consumes in a day. 

In a recent interview, he revealed that he eats a lot in a single day because his body uses a significant amount of energy, making him a big eater. 

Isaac gained fame earlier this month after being compared to young Bradley Marongo, also known as Gen-Z Goliath.

“Honestly, I eat four kgs of maize flour in one day, if it’s lunchtime. The four kgs of maize are ground and cooked for me, and I eat them with four basins of sukuma (kale). I’m not lying, this body is meant to eat,” Isaac said.

The father of three also mentioned that aside from eating a lot, he also drinks more than the average person.

“Honestly, I drink twelve cups of tea. I eat eight loaves of bread. For supper, I eat rice and beans, with six kilos of rice and two kgs of beans,” he added.

He also claimed that he typically drinks thirty litres of water per day.

Isaac recently gained attention online after Bradley Marongo, who is considered the tallest man in Kenya, gained fame. Isaac emerged, claiming that he is taller than Bradley and challenged him. 

In a recent interview, Isaac’s mother, Janet Nekesa, expressed her joy at giving birth to him and said that she raised him well without many problems. 

She mentioned that Isaac was a healthy child and had never fallen ill until he was thirteen when he had a mild case of malaria.

“I raised him right here at home in Bungoma. When you look at Isaac, it’s clear that God wanted him to be extraordinary. He grew tall, and his body became large. When my friends visited, they would ask me what I fed my child. I would just say it was God’s work,” she recounted in an interview with Raipenda Evans.

Isaac’s mother said she is pleased with her son’s growth, noting that he has matured, gotten married, and even blessed her with three grandchildren.

She also revealed that she struggled to conceive for the first five years of her marriage before Isaac was born.

“I was blessed with Isaac as my first child. I was so happy and praised God because it’s not easy to do something like that. It was just a miracle, like a sign from God, because maybe God wanted to show that He is Lord,” she said.

She continued, “In my marriage, after I got married, I spent almost five years without having a child. I was ridiculed, I was laughed at, but I trusted in God. After five years, who is God? I was blessed, and I found out I was pregnant.”

Mama Janet said she gave birth to her child at home and later took him to the clinic for a check-up.

“When he was born, he weighed five kilos, and even those in the homestead were amazed. Even my mother-in-law was surprised—it was nothing short of a miracle,” she said.

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