Written by on March 8, 2021

After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted by the feminist movement in about 1967. The first International Woman’s Day was organized in 1911.

Now that you have a bit of history about how International Woman’s Day became, let’s see some of the things that you can do to celebrate or appreciate that special woman in your life, be it your mother, sister, aunt, grandmother or girlfriend.

On this day make it make it a little bit different either for yourself or another person.

Donate to a local women’s shelter.

You could buy or donate some clothes you no longer use, they don’t have to be torn or old. Do a little shopping and take it to that shelter.

Support another woman’s project or work.

If there’s that woman you know who is trying to make ends meet and they have a project that they are doing, you can help promote their work by advertising it online, buying it or donating towards it.

Work towards a goal.

Did you want to go back to school and finish your degree? Well, make sure you’ve accomplished that set goal or you want to open up that beauty parlor, save on it and when you’re ready open it.

Take yourself or another woman out on a date.

Make it an extra special day for a fellow woman, don’t wait for another person to take you out. Invite that neighbor or workmate out on a date and celebrate this special day with her.

Start a book club.

If you enjoy reading books during your free time, and you know of a few ladies who do the same, you could form a book club. In as much as it is giving you knowledge, this will give you ladies a chance to bond and also help each other on other things.

On this International Women’s Day may you feel special because you are your own kind.

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