Musical Healing In A Pandemic

Written by on July 23, 2020

Everybody is turning to music as a sense of refuge during this season.

With lockdowns and curfews,music streaming sites are packed as well as the occasional community sing-alongs in apartment blocks.

As is the African way, music has always been our form of communication and our sense of community so it’s not a surprise that we have all turned to music for comfort.

Artists have performed live shows via Instagram live, TikTok has taken the world by storm with song and dance challenges as well as instrumentalities performing for strangers from their balconies around the world.

Music is said to have been invented in Africa and then evolved to become an important way of life.

Music was there before development and is now the thing holding all of us together during this pandemic.

Because of music, there has been low cases of mental health issues making it a great help in the medical field. It’s largely important for us to protect music and appreciate its impact and usefulness in society.

Tune in to NRG RADIO and recommend it to a friend and spread the healing.

Stay Safe.

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