Night fire in EMbakasi East leaves 63 people homeless.

Written by on February 7, 2024

A nighttime fire in Soweto, Embakasi East, destroyed the homes of sixty-three residents, leaving them without a place to live.

In a post on X, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino stated that the fire destroyed the homes and valuables of the residents.

“Another sad day in Soweto ward, Embakasi East as 63 residents are left homeless after a fire burned down their houses and other valuables last night. Please pray for Embakasi East,” the MP said on X.

Babu Owino shared photos of the incident but did not say whether the cause of the fire had been established.

This comes days after residents of the Mradi area in Embakasi experienced a night fire that left at least six people dead.

The fire is said to have been caused by a gas tanker explosion from a gas refilling plant operating in the area.

Since reports of the fire broke, Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has ordered the closure of gas businesses operating within residential areas.

President William Ruto issued an order over the weekend to fire state employees who allegedly gave out licenses for the operation of the gas plant which caused the explosion.

He blamed the occurrence on the dishonesty, corruption, and greed of the government representatives who gave the operator’s license.

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