Nimo lectures hubby Mr Seed after his comments about polygamy.

Written by on January 23, 2024

Mr Seed has found himself in hot water after his remarks about men having a natural inclination to marry multiple women irked his partner Nimo Gachuiri.

During an appearance on the Based Podcast, the artist discussed his views on relationships. He expressed his belief that, based on his personal experience of marriage, a man may be in a relationship with a woman for three years yet still consider marrying another woman.

Seed mentioned that men are naturally polygamous, and a woman living with him for an extended period is not a criterion for him to feel victorious, as one day she may wake up to find out that her husband is planning a wedding with another woman while she is still present.

“Tell me, we men have intelligence. I can be in a relationship with you for about 3 years, you understand? Just three years of observing you, knowing well that you’re not what I want.”

“So, I’m there, and one day you wake up to find out the guy has already arranged a wedding because this girl thought she was a winner. We have other female friends, right? Among those friends, we evaluate them to see who would make a good wife. Maybe even your best friend,” Mr Seed confidently said. “Men were created to have multiple wives.”

These remarks seemed to greatly upset his wife Nimo, who, through her Instastory, strongly criticized him, stating that such statements are inappropriate coming from the mouth of a man who knows he is in a stable marriage.

“So, I saw a small part of the podcast done by Mr Seed, saying whatever he was saying. I didn’t even finish watching it. I got angry. So I turned to him and asked, what are you really saying?

Another thing I said is that people must think I am foolish! So, he was like you should watch the entire podcast, and they selected only that part to make it trend,” she wrote in her Insta stories.

“What I want to say is that if it’s about love, it was an insensitive thing to say when you are in a committed relationship,” she added.

At a glance, Nimo had already unfollowed her husband on Instagram. However, looking at her husband’s page, Mr Seed still follows Nimo.

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