Reorganization of Kericho Security Teams in War against Illicit Brews

Written by on January 12, 2021

Monday, January 11, 2021 

The government has initiated immediate reorganization of security teams in Kericho County in a  deliberate move to tame an alarming rise in the production, sale, and consumption of illicit brews in the area. 

Following concerns from wananchi and religious leaders regarding the involvement of some  administrators and police in the running and/or protection of illegitimate businesses, Interior  Cabinet Secretary toured the county where he stated that the officers who, either through  negligence or obstinacy, have been derelict in the performance of their duties will face  disciplinary action. 

Weighing in on a statement by Deputy Inspector General (APS), Noor Gabow, the Cabinet  Secretary exuded confidence that redeployment of police officers who have served in their  respective stations for more than five years will provide fresh impetus to the enforcement of  zero-tolerance policy on illicit alcohol. 

“Effective tomorrow, we will begin an operation to clean up areas of this county where  consumption of illicit alcohol is high,” he said, adding that nothing will stand in the way of the  efforts to protect the public against the menace. 

Bureti is among the sub-counties most affected, but other culprits are on the radar in Kericho  East, Kericho West, Sigowet, Kipkelion West, and Kipkelion East. 

The CS also highlighted the impact of the enforcement gaps on illegal and unregulated gaming  and gambling, which is stubbornly fueling various social evils in the region. He added the  government’s stance on cleaning up the sector has not changed and called upon Kenyans to  support the government’s efforts in this endeavor. 

He further directed the Department of Immigration Services to begin a progressive audit of all  foreign investors in the county with a view to winnowing out those engaged in illegitimate  activities. 

He said, “If there are any foreigners who may be engaging in these illegal businesses, we will  apprehend them and deport them – because that is what the law says.” Further, he asked  members of the public to shoulder more collective responsibility in the war against such vices, a 

strategy he said give them an opportunity to address their felt needs, and enable them to report  crimes. 

He was accompanied by his cabinet colleagues Charles Keter and Betty Maina, Principal  Secretary for Vocational Training, Alfred Cheruiyot, and Rift Valley Regional Commissioner, George Natembeya among other government officers.

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