Ringtone: “Nilikua nataka kujitia kitanzi”.

Written by on May 28, 2024

insta @ringtoneapoko

Singer Alex Apoko, known as Ringtone, has opened up about the most challenging period in his career, explaining his long absence from releasing music. 

He shared that he faced significant life challenges that led to this break.

Ringtone revealed that his financial accounts were locked after a government institution served him a letter. 

He described the impact of this event, stating, “Nilitumiwa barua na taasisi fulani ya serikali, wakalock account, Nikakua na shida, nikakosa furaha,” which translates to, “I was sent a letter by some government institution, they locked my account, I grew up in trouble, I was unhappy.”

He further explained how this situation affected his usual lifestyle and pride:

“Nimezoea kiburi yangu fulani, nikiwa najua mfukoni niko sawa, mimi kawaida yangu natembea na laki moja hio ni budget yangu ya daily,” meaning, “I’m used to my pride, knowing that I’m fine in my pocket, I usually walk with one thousand shillings, that’s my daily budget.”

Ringtone also mentioned that jealousy from certain people led to the confiscation of some of his properties:

 “Wakaanza kuninyang’anya property fulani,” which loosely translates to, “They started confiscating some property from me.” 

This period was so distressing that he contemplated suicide: “Ilifika wakati karibu hata nichukue maisha yangu. Nilikua very emotional, nikagive-up, nilikua nataka kujitia kitanzi,” meaning, “It reached a point where I almost took my own life. I became very emotional, I gave up, I wanted to commit suicide.”

Despite these severe challenges, Ringtone has made a successful comeback to the music industry with a new song titled “Lawyer.” 

His return marks a new chapter in his career, as he continues to share his music and experiences with his adoring audience that can’t get enough of him.

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