This is a syndrome that is hard to shake off especially on Mondays. Personally, I struggle to wake up especially after an amazing weekend. The thought and struggles of preparing myself to go to work, and the hectic traffic jam ahead, can sometimes be very brutal and exhausting.

According to the Oxford dictionary, Monday blues are described as a set of negative emotions that people experience at the beginning of a work week, the feeling of depression, and negativity towards work.

For those who are in schools the feeling is the same too.  I struggled a lot with the fact that I had to wake up at dawn to shower in ice cold water, go for morning preps, and meet the daunting Maths teacher. The meals too were just not nice; mostly I hated the breakfast.

Mondays are times to leave the fun behind, restart your new week with a lot of positive energy and be ready to positively impact the world around you. Being sluggish to go to work won’t work well for you and also engaging in negative talks with your colleagues such as ‘I hate Mondays,’ ‘I can’t believe the weekend is over,’ Dude the weekend was lit’ I can’t wait for Friday already.’

Such talks will not only drain your energy but also you will find yourself procrastinating on crucial assignments and meetings.

You can find ways to cope with Monday blues and enjoy your week too. It is easy to shrug off these constant feelings of tiredness and hopelessness by doing the following:

  1. Identify your problem

  • I came to realize that understanding what sets the negative mood can help you find solutions. The one thing that used to bring me down in my workplace was a fellow coworker who used to shout especially when making phone calls. It was quite depressing for me because I couldn’t concentrate with my work.
  • Writing all those problems down and solving them will boost your energy.

   2. Prepare for Monday on Friday.

  • The moment you train yourself to deal with difficult tasks first, your workload is drastically reduced, and your mind is set ready to accomplish any tasks.
  • I always strive to avoid procrastination by ensuring that I deliver my work on time and pitch my ideas to my boss early in the morning. A timeline on when to accomplish my tasks works for me perfectly.

Do you struggle with Monday blues? Worry no more! Impacting yourself positively every day you wake up and setting a positive mindset will help resist the temptation for experiencing Monday blues.

Stop living for the weekend and enjoy the weekdays too!

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