Written by on March 18, 2020

Being home all day everyday can really get to you especially if you are home alone.

These are a few tips to help keep your mind active and rejuvenated during this time.

Get work done; don’t procrastinate on your day job. Do the most that you can to help your company get through this tough times.

Create; if you’re a creative, this is the time to get those ideas out there. Creating online content could also be a source of revenue for you especially now that everyone is home living through technology.

Read books; use this time to dive into books you have always wanted to read. You can even join an online book club that discusses books they read to keep you engaged.

New hobby; With a lot of information available online on basically everything, you can use this time to pick up new hobbies. It could be cooking new recipes, makeup tutorials, knitting, carpentry or DIY projects.

Netflix and chill; Use this time to relax and catch up on movies/ series you haven’t watched. Documentaries are also good to get you enlightened on things happening around the world.

As you do any or all of these things remember to wash your hands and sanitize.

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