Written by on July 22, 2021

The Kilimani Police Division in Nairobi has launched an investigation into the mysterious death of two Nigerian men who lost their lives during a night party hosted at Sky Horse Apartment in Kilimani.

First, forward to the previous night, it has been confirmed by the caretaker of the apartment that they had thrown a party in their house and a lot of noise was coming from their. The other Nigerian whose identity hasn’t been confirmed was in the kitchen preparing a meal for a crowd of like 20 people who then collapsed and died before the ambulance arrived.

According to a police report, one of the men, Maxwell, aged 23, died after jumping from the 7th floor of the apartment under unclear circumstances while the other two other men; one goes by the name Omar collapsed and was rushed to the hospital and seemed to have been discharged from hospital and the other is still fighting for his life.

The police said they suspected that the men were drugged by three Kenyan ladies aged between 22 and 25, whom they had invited to the party to provide them with escort services.  They have since been identified as Verah Osebe, Anastheni Manji, and Diana Moraa; who is now in police custody.

The head of police at Kilimani police station confirmed that the postpartum was underway and once the analysts identify the clear cause of the death they will announce it to the public.

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