Longest Railway tunnel annoys Kenyans

Written by on September 26, 2018

The country is fast racking the second phase of the SGR that is expected to connect from Nairobi to enhance and ease up movement of people and goods.

The Ngong SGR tunnel which is the longest is East Africa is now complete and Secretary of Digital Innovation and Diaspora in the Office of the President Dennis Itumbi shared a photo of the complete project but Kenyans online were very quick to note the resemblance of the tunnel with another tunnel in China.

Many of those who commented on the photo complained on how Chinese language is prominent with minimal English translation. The structures that are near the tunnel have Chinese writings on their walls with many Kenyans questioning the reason behind it.

“Am saddened by the large Chinese writings with no Swahili translation. Ukoloni Mamboleo,” wrote Omoroh.
“My worry is the Chinese language all over the place,” worried Naftal Obwocha.

“Is this Kenya or China? It looks more of a Chinese province than Kenya,” noted Martin Gachie
Johnie Muia commented, “Don’t you feel ashamed seeing everything written in Chinese language? What went wrong with these Itumbi like minions?”

“Stop reminding us how our money has been lost in this white elephant project..wachana na sisi we lipiwa rent pole pole,” lamented Mose Mos.

Kndei wondered ; “Is this in Shanghai or Ngong? Everything is written in Chinese!!! Kenya tuko na shida mingi sana. May God help us!!!”

Eric Mwangi asked; “For a moment i thought that tunnel was in China, or do Kenyans read and speak chinese nowadays?”

Mundir Abdirahman added; “All those writtings! This great nation is sold folks.”

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