Written by on August 5, 2021

Nothing spells bonding time with friends than a mug of beer.So how about setting aside a special day to celebrate the beverage that can make even the dullest of days brighter? Well that is exactly what the first Friday of August is all about. The first Friday of August is celebrated as International Beer Day (IBD)  and it serves as the perfect occasion to enjoy a big mug of beer not only that but guilt-free.

This year the world will be celebrating one of the world’s oldest and most popular alcoholic drinks,on August 6th.It all began in California,US, in 2007 when a man named Jesse Avshalomov decided that beer and its makers deserved a day of honour. For the first five years,till 2012,August 5 was set aside for this purpose. However, according to the IBD website, the founder took to a public poll that opted for the first Friday of August instead of a specific date to celebrate the day. Given how Friday marked the beginning of the weekend,it seemed like the best fit to enjoy the beverage.

There are three purposes to the day — to gather with friends and enjoy beer; to celebrate the people who brew and serve it; to celebrate the beers of all nations and cultures.

There are several ways to celebrate the special day. 

1.You can always call over your friends and family and indulge in some good beer. 

2.Given the pandemic, it is likely that most people will prefer remaining indoors. However, if you live in an area that allows you to visit bars and restaurants, you can always look for bars that are hosting special IBD events or beer tasting sessions. 

3.Additionally, you can also perhaps help a local brewer or small-scale brewery in another city by using the occasion to try a beer from another region and have it shipped to your place.

So call your friends tomorrow and grab a tusker beer.

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