Written by on June 6, 2018

I remember when we were young, we rarely ever cared who had rolls where on their bodies. You were either fat or thin. And kids can be mean, you know this. If you’ve ever watched This Is Us, you’ll understand this from Kate’s perspective. It’s one thing to deal with mean kids on the playground; to a large extent this thickens your skin. It’s another, however, to have someone you care about denigrate your body image. Imagine having someone you love remind you daily of how physically unattractive you are; that slowly chips away at your self esteem and before you know it, you have none left. Cue Unpretty by TLC.

No one person’s body is similar to the next; even identical twins have differences in their bodies. Just like fingerprints. It therefore takes nothing from you to be concerned for someone’s health in a kind and loving way, especially if that person is close to you. For instance, telling your wife / girlfriend that she is less attractive after having a child with you is categorically unkind. How would you feel if you were called out for your pot belly and roundness that has replaced your muscle and abs from your hey day? Besides; her body is not for you; if she’s comfortable in her skin better take note and encourage that. If you feel it’s likely to pose a health risk, be kind about it and explain why you think it’s important to improve their body image. Just don’t compare or insult.

Body image is a sensitive issue, so is body positivity. The words you utter in describing your partner’s body go a long way in their body positivity, because, after all, this is the person that willingly gets stark naked with you. The only way we can teach the next generation to practice positive reinforcement in this regard is if we practice it ourselves. Don’t tell her she’s fat and shapeless; encourage her to work out and feel good about herself. Heck, go to the gym with her. Don’t tell her the stretch marks on her belly, hips and breasts are unbecoming, remind her that she is a magnificent creature that gave life to a magnificent creature and you are in awe of her. Kindness is literally the most inexpensive of commodities available. Practice it.

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