Written by on August 23, 2018

There’s this silly ongoing trend where men (and some women) do irrational things to their people of interest to “establish dominance”. Like not communicating first after a date or doing the least during sex, so the other person realizes that they have to beg for scraps of your attention. Not only is this very stupid, it is absolutely ridiculous. What makes you feel the need to establish dominance in the first place? Is your self esteem so ruined that you have to make another human being feel inadequate in order for you to feel superior? Do you really want to be needed that bad that you become a terrible human being? Grow up!

Newsflash; there is no such thing like establishing dominance in the adult world. That is children’s play, and even then children are more emotionally intelligent to know that this won’t work on other kids. So they stick to being kids. That leaves this mess beneath bottom barrel scum and rock bottom. There isn’t a word or phrase to describe that place yet but you get my drift. Just don’t do that; don’t be a trash person all in the name of being made to feel needed and important. I worry for the people one would interact with if this is their modus operandi.

Dominance and submission in any healthy relationship are not established by callous behavior. It’s a natural, symbiotic thing; like sunrise and dusk, snowflakes and waterfalls. You really don’t have to be mean to someone in order for them to need you. To be needed, you have to be trusted. And to be trusted, you have to be truthful. None of those require meanness. If your plan was to establish dominance, rethink your strategy and change your ways. Otherwise, you’re just trash.

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