Written by on June 20, 2018

Do you know what love languages are? Do you know what your love language is? Do you know what your partner’s love language is? Simply put, love languages are basically ways to express and experience love. Words and actions that make both you and your partner feel needed and appreciated in the relationship, and a way to reaffirm each other. Some of you may think that this is useless information, but it isn’t. Love languages and the keen practice of them strengthens your romantic relationships in ways you couldn’t have possibly imagined.

The five love languages as popularly known are listed below:

1. Words of Affirmation – Expressing spoken affection through spoken affection, praise or appreciation.

2. Acts of Service – Actions, rather than words, are used to show and receive love.

3. Receiving Gifts – Gifting is symbolic of love and affection.

4. Quality Time – Expressing affection with undivided, undistracted attention.

5. Physical Touch – It can be sex or holding hands. With this love language, the speaker feels affection through physical touch.

Now, no single person is limited to a single love language; one may stand out from the rest but a mix of all five plays a role in making us feel loved and appreciated by our partners. The key is to learn which works best, and incorporate that into our day to day interactions with our significant others while balancing it out with the other four. If you don’t know what your love language is, the Internet has tests you can take to find out what works best for you. You’ll thank me later, once you know and effect.

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