Written by on June 28, 2018

It’s always in the little things. That is what makes a world of difference in how we treat each other, especially as significant others. Gentlemen, when your girl is talking to you, listen to her. Pay attention to what she’s saying. The same applies to girls; listen to your man when he talks to you. Because once you get the gist of what’s being said, you will realize what you might have been missing was right in front of you all along. Could have been in the way they speak, the way they move when they speak or their facial expressions. But lo and behold; paying attention is a thing unheard of lately.

Remember my post on love languages? That fancy lingo is really code for paying attention. We tend to overlook so many things about ourselves and our partners that we miss out on the best parts of romantic relationships and entirely ruin them. Sometimes we won’t all be direct in articulating what we want, sometimes we are not as articulate as we wish to be but the subtle hints we drop sure don’t warrant being ignored. General assumptions too don’t work well for everyone; one man’s meat literally is another’s poison. If your partner likes food, it will be hinted at every so often. If they like gifts, the subtlety of such will appear in conversation and action. If they love being shown affection through touch, they will gravitate towards that and you simply shouldn’t miss it.

Even when we step away from the romantic dynamic, details really do have a way of either making or breaking us. While signing contracts, the real possible loopholes are within the body. Privacy policies on social sites and the web in general have the gist of what they will do with our personal information, and because we’re always in a hurry we simply accept and move on. What are you saying yes to, do you know? The proof is always in the pudding! I could go on and on and on but you get me. Details. Pay attention to them, even if they may appear insignificant or inconsequential to you. To someone else, they could mean the world. It doesn’t take much from you; and it will save you a lot in the future if you just take that minute now to pay attention.

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