Love and Affection

All the sweet messages, the flowers, dinner dates, the lengthy handwritten letters, inside jokes – everything; they’re all gone now and you’re feeling like a deer in the headlights with not a clue what to do. You just keep thinking it’s a bad dream and that tomorrow everything will go back to normal. You pray […]

A relationship break-up can be tough no matter what the situation. Everyone feels different when they’re going through a break-up. It’s OK to feel sad, angry or let down after a break-up – lots of people do. It happens to everyone. Sometimes, the thrill seemingly vanishes from a once-perfect relationship. The things you once appreciated […]

Love is a confusing thing, but it’s something that actually has potential to grow from the first date. Read on to learn about all stages of falling in love. Love is a confusing thing. For many people love is scary, difficult, and it just hits you without you even realizing. That means it also can […]

Do you expect your partner to take out the trash every week without ever being thanked? Can you recall the last time you paid your partner a compliment? Find out the secrets of people in a happy and healthy relationship. 1. Always show respect to your partner 2. Go walking with your partner 3. They […]

It’s exactly one year after producer Tedd Josiah lost his wife Regina Katar due to complications caused by giving birth. Still, the pain is fresh and even though it’s one year now, Josiah recently confessed that he’s still hurting and missing her. “2am we woke up to breastfeed   Mommy had a headache   I got her […]

We’ve all been there – we’ve all had the days where we’re super down on ourselves. Sometimes those little niggling voices pipe up (usually at inconvenient times) and fill us up with yuck. It ain’t easy being YOU but you’re the BEST you there is so it’s super important to Love yourSELF. Change negative self-talk […]

While it has been widely believed that men can never say “NO” to sex and that women are always more than ready to give you one, a latest research has proved this misconception wrong. Sort of. According to a survey done by Durex, men also come up with different excuses when not in the “mood” […]

If you’ve “fallen” for someone, how do you know it’s the real deal or just a temporary phase? For instance, feelings of lust and love can be similar, but they may end up playing out differently down the road. There are distinct differences between the man who searches for lust and the one who wants love. Love and […]

How do you open your heart to love again after you’ve been hurt? It’s a question that has plagued me since my own marriage ended a few years ago. I realized that the barrier to love wasn’t external. Most of the resistance was coming from within myself. They say breaking up is hard to do […]

The most stressful part about an unexpected pregnancy is wondering how to tell everyone. What will people say? For couples eager to start a family, there’s no news more exhilarating than “I’m pregnant!” After all, a child deepens your relationship with your partner while taking it to new heights and changes both of your lives forever. […]

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