Author: Miss Hani

Well ladies and gents it all started as with a hectic trip full of traffic on the streets of Nairobi but thank the stars I made it in time. The NADRENALINE launch which took place last weekend was a soiree like none other. With a beautiful crowd, engagement and superb sound, the mini concert that […]

Now anybody who knows me knows am a big goofball for Beyonce. My love for queen B surpasses a lot of things. She has managed to become one of the most iconic artists of the 21st century and still looks hella fine while doing it! From making Friday the official music release day to becoming […]

Well reader, most of the time it becomes really hard to keep life pushing. It becomes even harder when the means to life show the least glimmer of hope. Many are the times we find ourselves deep in the sunken space and/or place and we can’t get ourselves out or even worse we didn’t see […]

Well dear reader, finances maybe tricky now a days with all this pandemic shenanigan and owing a car might be cut of the check list. But what if I told you that there is an easy way to go about it. Simple fast and reliable that even a baby could do it. Have you ever […]

Cooking has always been a fun thing to do especially if your love for food is as huge as mine. Pairing food with a good beer is all good but what if itold you thats not all you can do with your favorite beer! Did you know you can use beer in your day to […]

As you all know this past week we’ve been out and about trying to find the newest and freshest faces and personalities to join our vast family and you bet, we did find them. You are probably one of them our dearest fan. I know you are wondering how that went but fear not am […]

Social anxiety affects 7% of the population. It is currently the third largest psychological issue that affects people today, but what is social anxiety? Social anxiety is the “fear of interaction with other people that brings on self consciousness, feeling of being negatively judged and evaluated and, as a result, leads to avoidance.” Majority of […]

Hey, how you doing? Have you heard the golden globes just happened and guess what am here to give you the list of the best dressed on the virtual red carpet. Thinking about a virtual carpet, you would think that the stars wouldn’t pull it off but as they say where there is a will […]

Some clothing items were meant to go to together like PB and J. Although matching is not always advisable these matches are no doubt meant to be together no matter who or how you wears them. So lets count down to these fabulous matches. HEELS AND SOCKS Birthed in the 80s Quite a tricky trend […]

THE PROBLEM Why doesn’t the Kenyan artist take initiative to produce quality albums? Why is there no album culture in the 254? Is it that we are lazy at our jobs and/or passions or is the Kenyan market not ready? Well, I think the market is ready but its so used to getting mediocre content. […]

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