That we have come of age would be an absolute understatement. Barely a year in and we rank atop of the latest list of the top,most popular radio stations in the country. In case you are not sure of how big a deal this is,bear in mind that this comes hot in the heels of us being pitted against stations that have been in existence for decades.

NRG Radio’s inception came at a time when the once illustrious Kenyan Radio industry was lacking in so much. Our rapid advent in the airwaves has since flipped things in more ways than a myriad. We came bearing utter sophistication and brought to the table what needed to be brought. What with the well-decorated social media presence and our characteristic flamboyant demeanor that has since become synonymous with our entity.


This status,needless to mention, is a culmination of lots of work,long hours curating ways to get us to the #1 spot which we always knew we deserved,albeit patiently..the works! Our newly-launched NRG Play App,our state-of-the-art studios and uber talented NRG Stars are just some of the stregnths we take profound pride in. This new milestone is symbolic of the mega takeover that is imminent. Suffice,it is all skywise from here!

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